The purpose of these rules and regulations is to establish clear guidelines and standards that govern behavior, actions, and processes within the Southern Crawfish Cookoff Association (SCCA). These rules serve to promote order, safety, fairness, and accountability while fostering a conducive environment for cooperation, productivity, and mutual respect. Through their implementation, rules and regulations aim to maintain harmony, protect the rights, prevent conflicts, and uphold the integrity and values of the SCCA.
Head Judges
Each SCCA-sanctioned event will be assigned an SCCA Head Judge. The head judge shall act in accordance with all SCCA rules and regulations listed in this document. If any of the SCCA rules are not met, the head judge has the authority to disqualify any team they have found to not comply.
2. Sanctioned Cookoff
For an event to be officially sanctioned by the SCCA, they must have a minimum of 10 cookoff teams, complete registration with the SCCA, and pay all sanctioning fees.
3. Competition Crawfish
Teams must use the designated crawfish provided by the event for competition turn-ins.
4. Entries Per Cook Team
SCCA recognizes only one entry per head cook on a given team. It will be the responsibility of the organizer to monitor entries. Multiple entries from the same head cook and team shall not be permitted.
5. Crawfish Cookers
Any commercial or homemade, trailered, or un-trailered, crawfish cooking setups are permitted if they fit within the cook team’s designated cook area.
6. Crawfish Cooking Methods
Crawfish must be boiled or steamed, no other cooking methods will be allowed to be turned in for the competition.
7. Blind Double Ticket System
SCCA requires that the blind double ticket system be used. This system ensures fair competition. SCCA requires that two tickets bearing the same number be utilized, one firmly attached to the bottom of the judging container with a piece of tape with the numbers facing the turn-in tray. The other ticket will remain in the head cook's possession. The head cook will write their team name on the back of the ticket that they keep in their possession. During awards, the organizer will announce the ticket numbers of the winners. The winning ticket holder will provide the ticket to the Head Judge who will verify its authenticity.
After the award ceremony has been completed the SCCA Head Judge will host a meeting at a designated area with every head cook. The SCCA representative will collect the tickets, write down the team name associated with each ticket number in the Judges’ Results Sheet, and tell the head cook what place they came in. This is to ensure that all teams get credit for their SCCA season points for placing in the sanctioned event.
8. Cook Team Meeting
The SCCA Head Judge will host a cook team meeting on the morning of the competition. All head cooks are required to be in attendance. Head cooks will randomly select a turn-in tray and a cook team packet when instructed.
9. Cook Team Packet
Cook team packets will be passed out at the cook team meeting and include the two tickets, the turn-in times associated with the ticket numbers, and the competition rules.
10. Judging Containers
Judging containers will be provided by the SCCA Head Judge on the day of the event. All judging containers shall be clean and free of any markings. Only the containers provided by the head judge will be utilized for crawfish turn-ins.
11. Judging Container Contents
Teams are required to fill the container up with ONLY crawfish. The container should be able to be fully closed and not overfilled & bulging. The presentation will not be considered during the judging. Sauced or dusted crawfish is allowed, but no additional dipping sauce should be provided.
12. Turn-In Times
Turn-in times for entries will be assigned based on the blind double ticket system. The number of entries judged per time slot will be determined in advance. Entries will be processed in order, from ticket number xx001 to the maximum number specified for each time slot. Judging will commence at a time specified by the organizer on the day of the competition, considering the number of entered teams.
13. Turn-In Procedure
Teams must turn in their crawfish to the designated turn-in area as directed by the Head Judge during the cook team meeting. This area must be out of the view of judges. There will be a judging assistant stationed at the turn-in area to collect the turn-in containers. The judging assistant will verify that the turn-in box is free of any identifying markings and has a ticket taped to the bottom. Once the turn-in container is inspected, the assistant will place the container in a cooler. Exactly 5 min after the designated turn-in time the assistant will bring the cooler to the judging area to begin the judging process. Any team who misses their allotted 5-minute turn-in time window will be disqualified.
14. Terms for Disqualification
Failure to meet the designated turn-in time may result in disqualification at the discretion of the organizer. A 5-minute window from turn-in time will be acceptable
Any identifying markings on the turn-in container found during the competition will lead to automatic disqualification.
All decisions made by the SCCA Head Judge and organizer are final.
15. Tasting Judges
Judges must be 18 or older. There must be a minimum of five judges per competition, with the possibility of additional judges at the discretion of the event organizer based on the number of cook teams. No conversations aimed at influencing another judge's decision are allowed before or during judging. Non-compliant judges may be removed at the event organizer and SCCA Head Judge’s discretion.
16. Judging Criteria
The judges will meticulously evaluate each presented turn-in, considering five distinct criteria: Flavor, Juice, Peel, Texture, and Spice. Utilizing a comprehensive scoring system, judges will assign scores on a scale ranging from 1 to 10 for each of these criteria.
17. Tallying Scores
Upon the conclusion of the judging process, the SCCA Head Judge will assume the responsibility of consolidating scores. This individual will calculate and compile the scores assigned by the judges, ensuring a precise and equitable assessment of each entry. After tallying the scores, the SCCA Head Judge will organize the tickets in sequential order, arranging them from first place to last place for the announcements. Event organizers have the right to oversee the counting and double-check its accuracy. In the event of a tie, the score of “Flavor” will decide the winner. If it still results in a tie it will be based on the scores in order from Juice, Peel, Texture, then Spice.
18. Announcement of Winners
The SCCA Head Judge will give the Organizer or Awards Announcer the winning ticket numbers to be announced.
To claim an award, the participant must present the ticket corresponding to the called number for verification by the organizer, SCCA Assistant, or SCCA Head Judge.
Winners will be publicly announced solely by the team’s ticket number.
19. Collecting Cook Team Tickets
After the awards, the SCCA Head Judge will announce that all head cooks need to report to a designated area near the stage to turn in their tickets and find out their ranking. The teams should line up in a single file line and give you their ticket. Make sure that the team has their team name written on the back of the ticket. You will then check to see what place they came in, let them know, write their team name next to their ticket number on the Judges’ Results Sheet, and keep their ticket. You want to attempt to collect every ticket so we know what place every team came in so the SCCA can award season points.
20. Logging of Points into the SCCA Database
After the competition, all scores will be entered into the Judges Results Spreadsheet by the SCCA Head Judge and SCCA Season points will be assigned to the teams who qualified.
21 People’s Choice
The SCCA does not award any points for People's Choice. It is an optional category that our Head Judge will help oversee if your cook-off chooses to do it.
People's Choice tickets should be turned in at a predetermined time and location. Teams should be responsible for counting their tickets and writing the amount on their container before turning in their tickets. The Head Judge will only count the tickets for the top 5 teams who have the most tickets to verify the winner. The teams whose tickets are in the top 5 should stick around to observe the counting done by the Head Judge to remove all doubts when crowning the people's choice winner.